Last Audience

“That unique group of people gathered that will never again be together. This is their only and final experience as a group. The flash community. They are it. The piece is unique to them. There are no others. The work ceases to exist when they as an audience cease to be.”
— Yanira Castro in an interview with Kathryn Yu for No Proscenium, “a canary torsi Explores the Requiem in Last Audience”
Enacted specifically and uniquely with and by each audience, Last Audience was a live laboratory for the communal work of conjuring. Composed of a set of unique scores written for each performance, the piece grappled with agency and manipulation, negotiating the individual and the collective inside a theatrical context. Last Audience draws on themes of judgment and democratic formation from requiems and Greek classical tragedy to move inside the unstable space between the perfunctory and the transformative.
Last Audience premiered at New York Live Arts and was honored with a 2020 New York Dance and Performance (aka “Bessie”) Award.
Director, Choreographer, Writer: Yanira Castro
Performance Facilitators & Collaborators: Yanira Castro, devynn emory, Kathy Couch, David Thomson
Soloists: Leslie Cuyjet, Kirsten Michelle Schnittker, Pamela Vail
Lighting Designer: Kathy Couch
Composer/Performer: Stephan Moore
Dramaturg: Susan Mar Landau
Costume Designer for Soloists: Miodrag Guberinic
Stage Manager: LD DeArmon
Assistant Director: Simon Courchel
Marketing Assistant: Tara Sheena
COMMUNE Food and Event Facilitator: Athena Kokoronis
COMMUNE Guest Artist Organizer: Tara Sheena
COMMUNE Guest Artists: Tara Sheena, Helen Betya Rubinstein, Stephanie Acosta, Tina Wang, André Daughtry
COMMUNE Dessert Makers: Jeremy Toussaint-Baptiste, Athena Kokoronis, Stephanie Acosta, Martita Abril, Darrin Wright
New York Live Arts, October 16–20, 2019
Interview with Kathryn Yu in No Proscenium, “a canary torsi Explores the Requiem in ‘Last Audience’”
The creation of Last Audience was made possible, in part, by a New York Live Arts Live Feed creative residency program, which supports and nurtures the development of new work with residencies and commissions generated over two years. Lead support of Live Feed is generously provided by Partners for New Performance and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Last Audience was also made possible by the generous support of The MAP Fund, supported by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; a NYSCA Individual Artists’ Theatre Artist Commission made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; and by a grant from New Music USA, made possible by annual program support and/or endowment gifts from Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust, New York State Council on the Arts, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, Howard Gilman Foundation, Helen F. Whitaker Fund, The Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc., The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Baisley Powell Elebash Fund, The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation.
The development of Last Audience was made possible, in part, with artist residencies at Yaddo, Marble House Project, Headlong, and a production residency at Amherst College.